Hand Hygiene among Healthcare Workers?

“SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands” is a global campaign to improve hand hygiene among health-care workers. It advocates the need to improve hand hygiene practices of health-care workers to help reduce the spread of potentially life-threatening infections in health-care facilities.

According to World health Organization (http://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/en/) Health-care facilities and health-care workers around the world can register to a global database or you can attend a free monthly webinars on infection control by WHO.

For more information visit– http://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/en/

My point is do we need to promote hand hygiene in health care workers? They are ignorant because of their busy schedule but they are busy to save life, isn’t it? And neglecting hand hygiene can cost a life…  then very purpose of a noble profession is defeated here.See an example of news MRSA hits neonatal units; hand hygiene cited.(Clinical Rounds).

“According to the World Health Organization, “Every day, 247 people die in the US as a result of a Hand Acquired Infection. This is the equivalent of a 767 aircraft crashing every day or more than 90,000 deaths annually.” Hospitals must move past existing hand hygiene policies”

Up to half of those infections could be prevented if health-care workers washed their hands more often.

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